If your child is not able to come in to school, you should call the Attendance Office before 8.30 AM on 01603 497722, use the Arbor Parent App or send an e-mail (
If you do not phone us with a reason
for absence and your child is registered as not being in school, we
will send you a text message. Please follow the instructions in the
message to update your child’s record. We may also ‘phone you to
discuss the absence. We have a duty of care for all our students and an
unexplained absence requires that we act quickly to establish that the
student is safe.
It is your legal duty as a parent or carer to make sure that your child attends school on time every day (see the Education Act (1996) Section 444).
We work with Norfolk County Council’s Attendance Team to make sure that
we keep our students safe and well, and we follow Trust policies
regarding attendance.
If a student is taken ill during the
school day, they should not contact home themselves. The BEST for their
Year Group will deal with the situation, contacting home and discussing
the matter with parents. In our experience, most incidents can be
managed in school and the student can return to their learning. Rarely,
we may contact home to request that the student be collected and taken
Missing school for just a few days a year can damage
students’ chances of gaining good GCSEs, according to reports published
by the Department for Education (you can read the reports
We believe that every student at Thorpe deserves the best possible
chance and so we expect every student to attend every day of the
academic year. However, we also recognise that on some rare occasions,
your child might be too ill to come in to school.
Our Expectations
We open our gates to our students at
8.00 am and expect them to be in their form rooms by 8.25 am. Our
School day lasts until 3.05 pm, though many of our students stay on for
after-school activities. It is our aim that every student in the school
should benefit from a 100% attendance figure.
A student who comes into school every day, on time, is able to access all the support and opportunity that we offer.
They hear the morning notices, advertising clubs, events and opportunities for the day. They are updated on developments in school that will affect them. They hear the advice and guidance that is relevant to their stage in the school, including important support for revision and exam preparation. They are able to enjoy social times at break and lunchtime, and can access the resources available at those times, including the library. An absent student misses out on all these opportunities.
We monitor our students’
punctuality, both to school in the morning and to lessons. Our gates
open at 8am, and close at 8:25am. Students arriving after 8:25am will be
registered as “late”. A student arriving after 9.00 am will be
registered as “U”, (Late, after registers have closed) – this will count
as an unauthorised absence in the student’s attendance data. Persistent
lateness could result in the County Council taking legal action against
parent(s) who fail to get their child(ren) to school on time.
We will authorise requests for leave
of absence for certain very specific reasons. We are happy to
authorise a student’s absence if it is to attend a wedding, a funeral, a
graduation or other similar (unmovable) ceremony. Requests for LOA in
any other circumstance will usually be declined, and the consequent
absence recorded as unauthorised.
We do not authorise any holiday
request unless there are rare and exceptional circumstances offered, and
we may refer holiday requests to the County Council for their
consideration. The Council may apply to the courts for a Fixed Penalty
We will, under certain extenuating
circumstances, sanction leave of absence, for example to take part in a
scheduled sporting competition.
Medical, Dental and Opticians
Appointments should, where possible, be scheduled in the weeks during
Half Term and End of Term breaks. We realise that hospital appointments
are “non-negotiable”, so will sanction absence to attend the Norfolk and
Norwich Hospital.
If we detect reasons for your child’s attendance indicating an underlying medical condition, we will contact you to request that you seek medical advice, and then provide us with some evidence of your consultation. This evidence could be in the form of a photo of the pharmacy sticker on prescribed medication, or a discharge letter from a hospital. We may need to discuss any medical conditions that present in a student so that we can keep them safe and healthy during their time in school.
Each Year Group has its dedicated
BEST, who will work with families to help students maintain a strong
attendance record. The BEST is supported by the Attendance Team, who
staff the attendance phoneline and inbox, and who maintain our complex
registration systems.
Where there is an identified
attendance problem, the BEST will implement strategies which will
support and encourage improvements to attendance. Our interventions
include formal and informal meetings in school to discuss obstacles to
attendance, visits to a student’s home, referrals to professional
support agencies, formal Attendance Plans, and cooperation with the
County’s Attendance Team. If you have a concern about your child’s
attendance, you should raise it with the relevant BEST at your earliest
convenience. Often, difficulties with attendance can be easily resolved
with an early intervention.
Attendance Reports Parents can keep track of their
children’s attendance through the My Child At School app. This is a
“live” service, taking its data directly from the school’s register
Attendance data is included in students’ Academic Reports.
Attendance Matters We highlight the importance of a
strong attendance record in Form Time activities, in our reporting to
parents and carers, in our presentations to parents, in our “Thorpe
Life” Newsletter, and throughout the school. We link that message with
key messages from our Careers Team, highlighting the ways in which a
strong attendance record can enhance an application to college,
university, an apprenticeship or employment. The Government remains very clear that no child should miss
school apart from in exceptional circumstances and schools must continue
to take steps to reduce absence to support children’s attainment.
Supporting Documents